If You Can Conceive It, And You Believe It, You Can Achieve It!

Monday, August 8, 2011


                                                         Please read!!!
I want to share with you about two big prayer concerns within our martial arts family. Don and I are firm believers in the Power of Prayer. We know both of these families will appreciate your prayers. First, a parent, Shannon is an adult with Cystic Fibrosis she has been in the hospital for a few weeks now waiting on a lung transplant. This is the latest update from her husband:
         "Shannon just took another step towards getting off the vent they turned it down from 20 support to 15 support which is the amount of help the vent is giving her when she takes a breath.She has been breathing on her own for 2 days with just the small amount of help support from the vent.when she gets down to 10 support they will remove the vent and put on a trach collar( I'm not sure what all that is yet but it is off the vent) in the day time and back on the vent only at night just to rest and if all goes well then they will work taking the trach out. thank you all for your prayers and support we know with out a doubt that people are praying and God is answering those prayers and we know this cause we can see him working on her every day. Thank you all"

    Secondly, one of our youngest students, Caleb has been taken to Children's hospital in Birmingham today. He had lost motor skills on one side of his body and the doctors here in LaGrange think he has a viral infection in his brain. The doctors in Birmingham are going to run test on him to confirm this and then go from there. Please pray for his parents, the doctors, and his family. They are very close.

    Both of these families have a very strong faith and know the power prayer can have. Please remember these families and pray for them.

    On another note, It was GREAT to see all of the parents participating in class tonight. You all looked fantastic.

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